Monday, October 24, 2016

Journal Post 4: Project Plan

  • Site title - Richards' Room 20
  • Developer - Ciara Richards
  • Rational or focus - 
    • Statement of Purpose: To create a one-stop location for students and parents to get information about my classroom rules, procedures, and regular goings on to not only use at back to school night but throughout the year as well. 
    • Goal: The site will make it easy for students and parents to get information about my class. I am hopping that it will be the first stop when a questions should arise rather then immediately contacting me. 
  • Main features outline - 
    • welcome page with student and parent links
    • getting to know you form
    • easy to access pages for course information 
  • Content - 
  1. Welcome
  2. Students 
    • About Me Form
    • Daily Schedule
      • PE/Music
    • Grading
      • Homework
      • AR Reading
    • Awards
    • Dress Code
    • Upcoming Events 
    • Online Resources 
      • daily links
  3. Parents
    • Confidential Form 
    • Daily Schedule
      • PE/Music
    • Curriculum 
    • Grading 
      • Homework
      • AR reading
    • Awards
    • Dress Code
    • Upcoming Events
    • Field Trips
      • permission slips
      • volunteer forms
    • School Wellness Policy
    • Wish List/Donations
    • Online Resources
    • Educational Apps
    • Contact Info
  • Target audience - 
    • Parents and students in my class. 
  • Design considerations
    • Easy navigation
    • Accessibility from mobile and desktop
    • Inviting, but not overwhelming
    • Incorporate classroom theme - (easy to change if my classroom theme changes)
  • Limiting factors - 
    • Making sure parents can access it from phones without losing content
    • Having the getting to know you forms only available when first going to the site
    • parents only accessing the site at back to school night
Site Map:

Wire Frame:

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